Skyview Coffee in New York

Vereinigte StaatenSkyview Coffee



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4327, Main Street, 11355, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 917-621-8762
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.751886, Longitude: -73.8260645

kommentare 5

  • en

    Kevin zhu


    A decent place to study, because they allow you stay for a very long time.

  • Brian Wong

    Brian Wong


    The coffee shop is a nice addition to the area since I live nearby. I can grab coffee on my way to work with ease. While I'm a more of a tea drinker, the regular coffee brew seems like a nice dark roast that is bold on flavor. I also like that they allow me to use my own resuable travel mug so I can feel environmentally responsible and not waste a paper cup each time. Breakfast sandwiches are pretty tasty as well. I've gotten the bacon, egg, and cheese on a croissant. The croissant was crispy and buttered up and full of bacon. I'm also looking forward to trying their ice cream once the weather warms up a bit. I'd much rather support a small business than the Dunkin donuts a few blocks away.

  • Jun Chen

    Jun Chen


    Clean and nice area to sit for chilling and meeting up with friends. Food is slightly on the pricier side comparing to food around this area. Decent priced latte and drinks. Currently is still during soft opening phrase, hopefully will improve after official opening. Looking forward to improvements. Free WiFi is a plus.

  • en

    Tyson Pan


    Drinks were amazing and great prices. Always love the scenery. The food wasn't really the best part of the cafe.

  • 李翔



    The place and service not bad, but the Gelato “Float” is weak, it just like put ice cream into no sugar ice America coffee. The two kinds of flavor items don't match. The ice cube blocks the ice cream melt. Event I didn't get a spoon to eat ice cream. Hope better~

nächste Cafe

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