Sky Smoke Shop in Tucson

Vereinigte StaatenSky Smoke Shop



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247, West Grant Road, 85705, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 520-624-7270
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.2499348, Longitude: -110.9762376

kommentare 5

  • Sammy Allard

    Sammy Allard


    Fast and great prices

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    Great friendly staff, beautiful shop, great low prices.

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    William Kidd


    I shop here pretty regularly as they carry a few brands most other shops in the area don't have. Regardless of this, their prices are you exorbitantly higher that at other places, almost 50% higher on some items. Their staff is great most of the time, but not very knowledgeable. In all, if I could get away with going to a different store for the products I need, I would.

  • Jeane Monroe

    Jeane Monroe


    Of the popular smoke shops in Tucson, Sky is my favorite. The staff is so nice and friendly. They have a large selection and great prices. I bought my first piece here in 2014 and have been going frequently ever since.

  • Olga Henthorn

    Olga Henthorn


    I though this was a Freedom shop. I asked the guy at the counter a few times and he LIED to me until I bought my merchandise to let me know that Freedom Smoke was actually down the street. Also, this shop doesn't offer warranties on any of their items. Wouldn't recommend this place to anyone where employees are dishonest and dishonorable with customers.

nächste Geschäft

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