Skin Garden i West Babylon

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62, Arnold Avenue, 11704, West Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-539-4029
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Latitude: 40.7001596, Longitude: -73.3422319

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tania Maikovych


    Going to Cathy for almost 8 years, she’s the best!

  • en

    Lisa Vogelsang


    love love love Kathy the owner of skin Garden...she is wonderfully talented!!!

  • Geneva Hamilton

    Geneva Hamilton


    I had horrible luck finding a place that would do the same shape each time, until I found the Skin Garden. I will never go any place else again! She really knows her stuff, takes the time to get it right every time. I got my eyebrows done here with perm makeup and love it!! I also get my threading done!!!! LOVE this place!!!!

  • Glo whydontask

    Glo whydontask


    I won't go anywhere else and I hate missing appointments-she's that good. You won't be disappointed.

  • en

    Пользователь Google


    I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT SKIN GARDEN! First of all, the owner is extremely sweet and friendly person ever and you can have cookies, coffee and tea as much as you want on their lovely decorated waiting room with luxurious sofas. I went there twice last week because my skin was showing a dramatic difference-I had glowing skin and no horrible red marks. After receiving a facial my skin became like never before, healthy and really fresh looking. The facialist really took time to explain my skin to me. Their atmosphere is very relaxing/cozy and they provide the best customer service. I will recommend your spa to all my friend! Thank you!

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