Sixty5 On Main i Nyack

Forenede StaterSixty5 On Main



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65, Main Street, 10960, Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-358-5200
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Latitude: 41.0907423, Longitude: -73.9176574

kommentar 5

  • Laura Vaisman

    Laura Vaisman


    This place used to be amazing and it saddens me to give this place one star. They used to have an tapas style menu. No matter what you ordered it was guaranteed to be good. And we frequently came here. Now they changed their menu to being mostly lobster and steak. I thought it was just during restaurant week but they changed it for good. And when my boyfriend and I got our food it was not what we expected this place to be. You guys had an amazing menu before. There was nothing wrong with it. We love this place so much and we're very sad to not come back.

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    Stuart Suchotliff


    Went for Brunch.Food was great,atmosphere is lovely,service was good

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    jennifer ferrara


    We were there today for brunch. Made a reservation could not find it.. fine.. waited a half hr before we asked someone for coffee. No silverware we got croissants with no butter when we got the buyer there was a dead fly either way we had no knife to spread the butter when the coffee came we asked for cream never got it when we got it the milk was bad. When the waitress came over she had an attitude and did not even try to apologize for anything. We ended up walking out and went to the diner. The place is very beautiful though. It looks like a nice place just wish we had a better experience

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    Malosia L


    Nice fancy eclectic decor. We were at the party there. Food was good but served very late and quantity was short - 2 plates of 4 meat pieces was not enough to make 10 hungry people happy.

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    Nini Kaur


    We went to celebrate a friends birthday, great food and service. Place is space and decor is wow. Drinks are so good. They had live music on that night it was LaToven she really wowed the crowds, we were all dancing the night away. I did go again on another evening and they had live Jazz music!!

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