Sixpoint Brewery w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSixpoint Brewery


brak informacji

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40, Van Dyke Street, 11231, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6739774, Longitude: -74.011928

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jesse Marrow


    Just stopped by at 11:30am on a Saturday, ghost town. Same deal as someone else noted, before the owner said google is now correct..., hours wrong place isn’t open.

  • Jerry Burden

    Jerry Burden


    ***WARNING TAPROOM MAY NOT BE OPEN YET!!!*** So I didn't actually get to taste the beers so I can't rate it off of that. But my wife and I were visiting NYC and were staying in midtown. After doing a bit of research it seemed to be Brooklyn that had the most/best breweries and distilleries. This place popped up on my radar with the great reviews so I was eager to try the place. So i made an itinerary for his various places in Brooklyn spaced out in my days there. Originally on Google, the hours were listed as "Open 24 hours" (when we looked the day before trying to visit 4/23/18. But I'm now 4/29/18 I'm seeing Saturday hours listed) which I thought was a bit odd but I just figured it must be becuse it was New York. But anyway, my wife and went around 4 pm on 4/24/18. And it wasn't open. Confused, I went to there website and didn't have any hours posted. After we got back to our hotel I was determined to find hours on there site and when I finally went to the "contact us" it said they didn't have a taproom open yet. And I'm sure their beers are great but I just wish that info was more apparent/obvious since with uber I spent over 45 bucks there and back for a place that wasn't even open yet.

  • en

    James Barry


    Had my birthday party at the Brewery for their March release. Highlights included i) an incredibly friendly staff ii) a few free bars throughout the day, and iii) great bars and restaurants around to eat at after. 10/10 would go back there again.

  • en

    Jonathan Lee


    What a fantastic setup. Beer special releases done right through an app pre-order and an awesome party where you can stay, chat, eat and drink.

  • Jonathan Tatariw

    Jonathan Tatariw


    Tasting room is currently being remodeled (closed) but they do monthly beer releases via their app and throw pick up parties (music, food, samples). Beer is phenomenal and the staff is awesome!

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