Сивик Парк Дистрикт en Point Lookout

Estados UnidosСивик Парк Дистрикт


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Ocean Boulevard, 11569, Point Lookout, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1
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Latitude: 40.5861824, Longitude: -73.5809648

comentarios 5

  • en

    Asuncion Canalizo


    Good place

  • en

    Juan Lima


    Beautiful beach area. Watch the wild life for entertainment while soaking in the sun and enjoying the breeze.

  • en

    Anne-Marie Hodne


    Clean soft sand private beach! Used to run this beach every morning. The sunrises and sunsets are incredible! Amazing beach to be enjoyed by residents and their guests with a tag. Most town employees know the residents after a few trips. It saddens me to see a bad review over a legit policy trying to be turned into something it's not.

  • Lloyd Spitalnik

    Lloyd Spitalnik


    Been going here for years. Right on the Atlantic Ocean where you can find all kinds of sea birds. There are 4 jetties here that birds like to gather on and around. There are also several other places along the coast to visit as well, especially Jones Beach State Park.

  • Simone Meyer

    Simone Meyer


    A wonderful beach...if you're white. The "authorities" would not allow my friend, a man of color, onto the beach, stating we needed a tag. About ten white individuals walked by us without tags. There should have been a non resident beach tag to buy but we were not offered. There is a "public" beach down the street we were not recommended. This racial discrimination will be take up with local authorities. Enjoy your all white beach, people.

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