Ситго w Pearl River

Stany ZjednoczoneСитго



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123, North Middletown Road, 10965, Pearl River, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-735-9830
strona internetowej: gas-stations.citgo.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.06418, Longitude: -74.013166

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lisa Mcdonald


    Always helpful kind and professional mechanics and staff. Highly recommend

  • en

    Edward C


    Only place I will take all my cars - they are honest, fairly priced and do a quality job. As with other reviews started with inspection then graduated to servicing all my cars. My entire family now goes to them too (mom, dad, brother, brother in-laws, etc...). Most are from other towns and Orange county and they come all the way here to service their cars.

  • William Morris

    William Morris


    Excellent, trustworthy service at fair prices.

  • en

    James Dos


    Great mechanics! Started going here for inspections, and turned into a regular customer. Most honest guys you can find. They saved me money, when they could have charged me more.

  • en

    Axa Axa


    brought my car in for inspection, while I commend the inspector for actually taking the wheel off, he tighted back the lugs to over 320' lbs (spec is only 75!) I subsequently broke 2 lugs in the process of removing the wheel afterward. truth is garages often over torque, but this was way more than I've ever experienced, and having to remove the knuckle just to press in new lugs cause of this was irritating. but worse, upon installing new hard brake lines, the inspector took pliers in order to "relocate" one line, where he bent and kinked causing a leak! thus i then needed to cut and insert 10" of new line, which was a huge hassle. Bending the brake line was massively careless, and while I'm not questioning any reason he may or may not have had, causing the leak was sloppy and dangerous. I know better, he really should have been way more careful. not to mention I was charged for a break bleed that may well been cuz of his handy work with the pliers. I very well vacuum bleed the brake lines prior to inspection, and they came out the same as they went in. seems they just wanted to get paid for the misdiagnosis. I don't actually think this is a terrible garage, but this time they were and I think others should know it.

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