SIPS + MAKER w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSIPS + MAKER



🕗 godziny otwarcia

312, New Dorp Lane, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-668-9474
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5716546, Longitude: -74.1122038

komentarze 5

  • Victoria Macula

    Victoria Macula


    Cutest coffee bar I've ever been to. I'm so sad I live on the other side of the island otherwise I would be here all the time to study for my boards!

  • Tiffany Olson

    Tiffany Olson


    This is a very trendy, delicious and calm atmosphere. I would expect to find this type of coffee shop in Park slope, Brooklyn, so Im grateful to have it here in Staten Island, woohoo! Also the staff is super friendly. I come here for their matcha tea latte and to get some work done.

  • Amy



    Sips and Maker is one of the best coffee spots on the island. It is very aesthetic and perfect for getting work done. The front of the building is a coffee shop, and the back is a gift shop type of store. Most of the goods are handmade or imported. Highly recommend. Check out their instagram for changes in store hours or upcoming events or new drinks. (Heads up, It is optimal to go either alone, or with one other person as the tables are made for two)

  • en

    Irene R


    I love this coffee shop; it also has a wonderful shopping beatique in the back of the shop with unique, local.made items as well as supporting small businesses oversees fair trade. The coffee shop itself is wonderful, the coffees, teas and different tonics and concoctions they create are delicious and unique. My favorite local coffee shop I'm so glad to have it here!

  • Katherine Fajardo

    Katherine Fajardo


    As a coffee lover, I like to go to different small shops. This company has excellent coffee and gets their beans locally. I love the open ambiance and how they really support small businesses. The matcha latte was excellent and the baristas are very skilled on how they brew their grinds. Excellent place!

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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