Simon's Coffee Shop w Cambridge

Stany ZjednoczoneSimon's Coffee Shop



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1736, Massachusetts Avenue, 02138, Cambridge, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-497-7766
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Latitude: 42.3844707, Longitude: -71.1196613

komentarze 5

  • Valentin Salazar

    Valentin Salazar


    A good café, a little bit expensive but with a rich atmosphere, The coffee is nice. The only thing is that the baristas only speak one language

  • Esther Ye

    Esther Ye


    Very unique and chic vibe for a place to hang out, have some coffee, and a quick bite. Their sandwiches and scones are quite popular.

  • Riko Cribbs

    Riko Cribbs


    A little over $14 for a BLT sandwich and Chai Latte (I like mine with a shot of espresso, which I'm sure was a little upcharge). This was my first time ordering from here. I was in and out, can't speak to the "ambience" of the place. But... The barista today did me a solid, and I'm forever grateful for that. Wish I caught their name, but give em a raise! FOOD I asked for the multi grain bread on the BLT, and wasn't really sure what to expect cus I've never had Iggy's multigrain before (I'm low key obsessed with their ciabatta bread tho!) but it was really good — if you're a fan of true grain breads. The crunchy kind. Whatever condiment they put on the BLT is a mystery to me, but they put just the right amount of spread on it. Not too thick, not squishing out the sides when you take a bite. Just enough. And it amps up the umami, elevating it from your typical, bland BLT. DRINK Be aware that they don't have a large coffee menu. They're pretty bare bones as far as coffee goes. Don't expect to get any fancy flavors like "mint chip julip pomegranate with avocado foam and a pump of apple crisp flavor." No. None of that. There are photos of their menu posted on here, I suggest taking a close look at the coffee + hot drinks board before making the trip. The Chai latte (hot) with a shot of espresso was delicious in my opinion. No added cream or sugar necessary. I mean it helps when you start with a GOOD CHAI, and I felt they started with a good Chai. I didn't find the espresso to be overpowering on the flavor either, but I'm someone who enjoys a good strong coffee flavor. Each sip I could taste both, and it was lovely. **NOTE** You cannot order drinks over the phone from Simon's. Must order in person (maybe you can order drinks thru Uber Eats/DoorDash tho, I haven't looked)

  • Lance Li

    Lance Li


    It’s unfortunate that I have to leave a 3 ⭐️ review for Simmon’s Coffee, because the latte I ordered here was smooth and tasted good. But pricy, for $5/latte, it’s more expensive than Starbucks, and on par with Blue Bottles. I honestly think it is over priced. The real reason for the 2 ⭐️ knock off was the fee-based WiFi, as shown in my picture. In 2022, I have not seen a coffee shop that charges it’s patrons for WiFi usages. And give them credit, they have hourly, daily, even monthly subscription, but if this is the owner’s way of limiting seating time at the coffee shop, it’s going to turn away quite a number of guests. Why doesn’t Starbucks charge for WiFi even though a lot of its patrons literally make Starbucks their “shared office space?” It’s building customer retention. So if you are planning to get some work done at a coffee shop with WiFi, be ready to spend some doughs at Simon’s.

  • Holly Trippett

    Holly Trippett


    I really want to like this place but the sandwich I got was so poorly put together I had to reconstruct it myself. The flavors weren’t bad (Turkey avocado) but I won’t be returning. Some of the ingredients were only on one corner of the bread or were too large for it and half of the avocado was outside of the sandwich when I opened it. Definitely not worth $10.

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