Silva A Arejian DDS w Los Angeles

Stany ZjednoczoneSilva A Arejian DDS



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1127, Wilshire Boulevard, 90017, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 213-550-2353
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.0528732, Longitude: -118.2640435

komentarze 5

  • C Gabrielle

    C Gabrielle


    The freaking phone number doesn't work. If you press 2 for a new patient, it just tells me to call back because they haven't set up an email (which is ridiculous for a company). And if you press 1 for an existing patient, it just hangs up on you. I don't know if this is due to a miscommunication with Time Warner or what, but I've already had a frustrating experience and I haven't even spoken to anyone yet!

  • Ellen D

    Ellen D


    AMAZING AMAZING Dentist and office!!! I was greeted very nicely by Julie and Christopher when I arrived. And Julia made me as comfortable as possible during my xrays! Dr. Arejian put me at ease about my treatment plan to treat my cavities. She even helped me out with the cost because I have HMO insurance that doesn't cover the tooth-colored fillings. Christopher, the dental hygeinist, did an amazing cleaning on me. Even went the extra mile to use a precoating to make the experience less painful. He was very helpful and knowledgeable about teeth and other health aspects. I followed ALL of his advice and have never felt more healthy! The following week I returned and had my cavities filled and Dr. Arejian and Julia made that a walk in the park as well. I didn't feel a thing! I am ordering Express (5 tray) Invisalign with them as well and I am excited to have not only healthier teeth but a prettier smile thanks to them!!! This dental team goes above and beyond to help their patients! I have never had a better experience! All of their equipment is up to contemporary standards and the office is very clean. I recommend everyone go here for ALL of their dental needs!!! :D

  • en

    Henry V


    Love Dr. Arejian and her staff, they are all kind, professional and their confidence and expertise put me at ease, this is my third trip here twice for cleaning and once for a white filling. I had such a great experience with Dr Arejian and all staff that I decided to continue all my dental work with them and had to write a review. Great service and work, ALL SMILES. Grateful to her and her staff.

  • en

    Giovanna A


    I am in just absolute SHOCK at the moment. I went to see Dr Silva Arejian for an exam and cleaning and literally had one of the worst experiences of my life. The Dr. was beyond rude and thoughtless. Arriving at the office and interacting with her assistants was fine, but turns out I had EXTENSIVE damage to my teeth, and being that I am so young, she expressed concern. When her assistant came to tell me the cost of the work needed (almost 14k, I am currently an unemployed student beyond down on my luck) I accidentally started laughing because I was so nervous and upset. The Dr handled the situation the worst possible way, I told her I would try to get a second opinion and she callously told me "well perhaps go get a third and fourth" with the worst attitude ever. Well I am happy that in her life she has never struggled and has always been able to receive health care, now for someone in my position, a situation like that is insanely upsetting since I don't have the means. To add on to the injury I started crying and the Dr refused to do my cleaning, continued being rude and asked me to leave when I was absolutely shattered at my bad luck. Her assistant Julie was just so sweet though, I was bawling due to how the Dr. treated me and she tried helping me cancel my group on, but the snotty Dr. wouldn't let her help me so I left after a few minutes composing myself. All in all, I wish I could have just quickly said ' sure, no problem, lets get to it! ' but that wasn't the case and the Ms. Arejians true colors came flying out. I absolutely advise against becoming a patient of this Dr. her prices are parallel to others in the area so she's nothing special and if you can't afford it, she'll make you feel like the worst person in the world.

  • John Albrt

    John Albrt


    Best Dentist in Los Angeles! After years of kicking around from place to place I finally found a dentist who not only is excellent at what he does, but is also incredibly patient with us dentist types. I've never had a dentist this patient with me and I'm really pleased with his work. I'm also amazed at some of the less positive appraisal about his front office staff. I have never had a bad experience with them and, just like Dr. Silva Arejian, DDS; they've been nothing but exceedingly patient with me. I'm a complete dunderhead when it comes to dealing with insurance and those ladies have put up with multiple calls, repeated reason and have even offered to talk directly with my insurance to work things out. Thank you!! I couldn't be happier with this crew and would highly recommend them to anyone.

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