Silbers Martial Arts en Franklin Square

Estados UnidosSilbers Martial Arts



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444, Dogwood Avenue, 11010, Franklin Square, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-485-5025
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6955295, Longitude: -73.6672109

comentarios 5

  • Kenneth Hunq

    Kenneth Hunq


    Whether you're grown up or a child looking to gain confidence and self defense recommend Silbers martial arts because they combined kindness with execution and knowledge.

  • Wharie Pimentel

    Wharie Pimentel


    After attending 2 different karate schools for several years, I discovered Silbers Martial Arts and I still love it 9 years later. The environment uniquely instills discipline and commitment while maintaining a friendly nature. Students learn to respect and support each other. No matter which class it is, we always encourage one another. Most importantly, children and adults alike have loads of fun!!! :D

  • Luis Anthony

    Luis Anthony


    This is one of the best schools that I have encountered. This school strives to teach children discipline, respect, integrity, confidence, and the list goes on. This is all in addition to teaching self defense. Students learn to respect their teachers and classmates. Joe Silber and his team are fantastic. Top notch school with top notch instruction. It took me a while to find a good school in the area. I'm glad I found this one for my kids. Highly recommend.

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    Christine Gerke


    Both my boys attend Silber's. My oldest has ADHD and learning disabilities. It was difficult to find the right environment for him to participate in a sport. He loves going to karate. He has become more confident and willing to try new things. Physically we have seen him grow as well. The best part is that he sees it too! All the staff show just the right amount of patience and discipline to keep him motivated. For him it is the perfect fit!!

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    Jamie Cestaro


    This place is amazing! I've been going here for over 3 years now! That is the longest commitment I ever made! The staff is always motivating and pushing you to your goals. The classes are great! Even the members are just so welcoming. I feel like I can call this place my second family! I would recommend this place to everyone I know!!!!

Salud más cercano

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