Sichuan Taste w Malden

Stany ZjednoczoneSichuan Taste



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290, Main Street, 02148, Malden, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 781-480-3671
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 42.4242248, Longitude: -71.0678874

komentarze 5

  • R Wang

    R Wang


    Services were great. Very friendly waitresses. The Sichuan dishes are generally good, not top notch, but decent enough. Little bit on the salty side. The fish in the Sichuan peppercorn broth is very flavorful. They also have a full menu of bubble tea and other Chinese sweets/fruity dishes which tracked lots of young Chinese students loving in the area.

  • Huipeng Chen

    Huipeng Chen


    Ordered a Twice Cooked Spicy Pork, found out all the pork was actually fat. Haven’t try this dish in couple months, I don’t think they used to put sooo much fat. Searched very carefully and couldn’t find any lean.

  • dushyanth subu

    dushyanth subu


    I typed this review right after the meal. Absolutely delicious! Fresh spicy boiled fish filet was delivered in 15 minutes! 15 minutes!!? That's freakin fast even if I was in the restaurant myself. The fish was fresh and well cooked with just the right amount of spices. Just great food. Will order again from here soon.

  • Kunthea Prum

    Kunthea Prum


    I went for lunch with a group of colleagues and we all love it. The lunch specials were very affordable at just $8 for everything and it comes with soup. I had the hot and sour soup and that was the best part about the lunch. The main course I had, beef with string beans, and kung pao chicken were pretty good as well. I plan to come for dinner and will order a large bowl of those delectable hot and sour soup. The service was excellent, the ambience was great, and the food was good and authentic. Their dinner prices is a little high but if the quality of the food for lunch is indicative, I think it's worth it.

  • en

    Joji UEDA


    This restaurant has nice renovated interior and could have become a much better place had the kitchen not used very low quality food ingredients. The daily special of "spicy fatty beef hot pot" was using lean and tough beef shaving pieces in insufficient quantity for the price. Another dish with cut pieces of celery included the inedible root part. The stir fried string beans still had the inedible fibrous string part which is customarily removed for a well made dish. The service also was sub-par. We were given only a small glass of water in the beginning and it was never refilled even when I put the empty glass at the edge of the table to attract attention. A Sichuan spicy food restaurant that doesn't serve ample amount of water?!? Hope you have a better experience if you do decide to visit.

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