Shoppes At Gilbert Commons w Gilbert

Stany ZjednoczoneShoppes At Gilbert Commons


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1440, North Cooper Road, 85233, Gilbert, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-813-3137
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Latitude: 33.377859, Longitude: -111.8086088

komentarze 5

  • en

    Renay Kerr


    I was at Kohls...looking for a specific type of blouse. I had asked several women, who were wearing them, where they got it and the answer was always Kohls. Although I was quite ill, coming home from the doctor's office (sinus infection), I decided to drop into Kohls with my husband, to look for those blouses. I had to FIND someone to ask, and although I explained every detail about the blouse, she had NO idea what they were and said that they were probably sold out. My husband sent me a text that said that he had found them. Although, there were not any of the designs, that I liked, the blouses WERE there. I feel like, if you work in a clothing shop, you should know if and/or where you have them. No help there!

  • Esmeralda Johnson

    Esmeralda Johnson


    This old stand by is always there when I need my chips and Guacamole urges. Of all the locations here in the valley I go out of my way to go to this one @ Stapley and Baseline. Great customer service, fast and friendly staff. They the soybean (soyfritos) options your body will thank you for it!

  • en

    John Goodman


    Quite a few shops in stores. Including a dollar store etcetera Etc. There's also store there called Harbor Freight, that's usually why I frequent this Shopping Center. They do have a pretty good Mexican restaurant called me Amigos that's really pretty good but very overpriced. Years ago I ate there when they were still part of the strip mall. I've only eaten there once since they have the wrong freestanding building. Their prices have really gone up. I ordered a simple bean and cheese burrito and it was $10. Personally I think that's a little high and especially considering their old menu prices. Hey, I know everything's gone up but a tortilla with the little beans and cheese should not be $10 I'm just saying.

  • Hannah Neumeyer

    Hannah Neumeyer


    Its alright. I was able to navigate through the parking lots easily and I had a no trouble parking. But then again I am willing to walk a bit of a distancein order to get to my groceries. I went to find some place though....and I looks for a good almost hour...and couldn't find it...until we foubf out it had been moved.

  • en

    Lucius Lockwood


    This is an easy-access place to come shopping, offering a variety of clothing stores and cosmetics offerings that appeal to my wife and are great for Christmas shopping. I appreciate that there is plenty of parking available, and reasonable routing of traffic to prevent traffic jam-ups. However BEWARE the speed tables that are put in front of the stores to try to slow traffic down, they should be marked more clearly to show up at night better. There is some vacancy of shops here, and Petco just left not too long ago, so I hope this does not start a trend. Regardless, as long as the anchor stores continue to roll, I will keep coming back or dropping off my S.O. while I shop elsewhere.

najbliższy Centrum handlowe

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