Shipley Do-Nuts w Baytown

Stany ZjednoczoneShipley Do-Nuts



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4402, Garth Road, 77521, Baytown, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 281-428-1993
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7693524, Longitude: -94.9772714

komentarze 5

  • Ricky Bomer

    Ricky Bomer


    Always good when you have the best doughnuts on the planet.

  • Ranika Jones

    Ranika Jones


    Fresh donuts! Great customer service, the guy was really sweet that took our order.

  • Albert Witt

    Albert Witt


    Always courteous always helpful and always delicious. I will be honest there's not a many donut shops out there I havnt liked, but Shipleys is kinda the bar or standard I hold other shops to. If your lucky enough to find your self ordering some of there tasty deliciousness try the hot glazed donuts. Clogging an artery never tasted soon good trust me totally worth it. Thank me later.

  • Rick Boeker

    Rick Boeker


    So Shipley’s would normally be a 5 star review - I visited right around 8a on Thursday, August 4. I was anticipating hot, fresh glazed donuts that melt in your mouth. I grabbed a bag of do-nut holes from the counter and ordered a chocolate covered and a regular glazed. As I drove home, I devoured the holes - they were good but they had to have been made the day before. When I got to the house, I ate the other 2. Again, they were good but if this batch was made that morning, they had sat out on a rack for hours as they did not taste as fresh as I would expect for only 8am.

  • Peyman Jo

    Peyman Jo


    I really like that this donut location usually has available what I’d like to order and the fact that they’re open till 6pm. They also have a drive thru that is pretty convenient, too. Staff is always friendly. Not too many frills or extra stuff here, just your usual Kolaches and donuts. No complaints thus far!

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