Ship Lantern Inn i Milton

Forenede StaterShip Lantern Inn



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1725 Route 9W, Milton, NY 12547, США
kontakter telefon: +1 845-795-5400
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.6461236, Longitude: -73.9624117

kommentar 5

  • Trista Polo

    Trista Polo


    Love the service and experience. Good always good. I usually get the duck (crispy) or the soft shell crabs when in season. Table side finishing on salad, duck and dessert. Offered a drink in the lounge before dinner. Classy, classic, consistent.

  • Denise Helms

    Denise Helms


    Delicious meal. Best I have had in a long time. Go there for a special occasion. Worth it!

  • en

    Robert Fowler


    Without question the very best restaurant experience I have ever had. Period! Exclamation point. The food is perfectly prepared, the service is unparalleled, and the atmosphere is relaxed yet sophisticated. Whether you have a large party or are looking for a place for a meal for two this is the place. The next time I am traveling in the area I will definitely be returning and I will be telling everyone I know that will be in the area that they must experience this little slice of heaven.

  • en

    Bernard Cohen


    Excellent service and food. Wonderful dining experience. Ambience comfortable and you can actually converse without straining to hear your guests.

  • en

    Jeff Logan


    American classic. H as be in busines since 1926 for a reason. Great service and food. Atmosphere is welcoming. Cocktail's are excellent. Great spot for special occasions.

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