Shiga's Import Shop w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneShiga's Import Shop



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4306, University Way Northeast, 98105, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-633-2400
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.660043, Longitude: -122.312727

komentarze 5

  • Melissa Silva

    Melissa Silva


    Nice store with lots of variety and good prices. I was looking for Washi paper but they didn’t have any.

  • Taylor Walla

    Taylor Walla


    All kinds of Japanese imported gifts at inexpensive to moderate prices. Love shopping here for the unique selection and great value. They've got so much cool finds like decorations, Hello Kitty merchandise, candles, loose tea and teapots, incense, also some apparel. The Hello Kitty section has lots of collectibles like stationary and backpacks. The hanging beads and paper lanterns are two of my favorite items from Shiga Imports. The paper lanterns come in lots of sizes and colors, and the hanging beads work great in doorways and windows. Overall home decor from here is tasteful and chic. While shopping and at checkout the staff are friendly. I remember the worker answering all my questions and helping me find the items I wanted. Then they carefully wrap your fragile items in paper to make it easy for you to haul your purchases home with you. If you're into Japanese culture there's a lot of gifts to look at here! I highly recommend this shop, I like to drop in every time I'm in the University District.

  • Helen Tran

    Helen Tran


    This is store is fun to walk in and I get interesting items from this store. Customer service is great.

  • Jessica Vallone

    Jessica Vallone


    Not the same store as it was all cluttered back in the day. Nice and clean and show roomy now! Great selection of loose leaf tea! Loads of tea sets!

  • Edward Aites

    Edward Aites


    Cool little Asian import store that's been around for decades in the same place. It has so many little treasures. Reminds me a bit of a mini-Uwajimaya (the large Japanese / Asian market in the International District). Good for unusual gifts, as well as ceramics, tea sets, etc. They also have some good "rice paper" type paper selections for projects.

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