Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneSheraton Pentagon City Hotel



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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
900, South Orme Street, 22204, Arlington, Arlington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 703-521-1900
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.866962, Longitude: -77.0727691

komentarze 5

  • Robert Games

    Robert Games


    I was very disappointed with your hotel. You are way over-priced. I could go 1/2 miles in any direction and get a room with better accommodations for half the price. $30 a night for parking is nothing short of robbery. The room had no microwave, $5 for a bottle of water and chipped bathroom doors. You have allowed your facility to turn into a second rate hotel. Your restaurant menu is pedestrian and mundane. At your location, you should be the center piece of hotels near the Pentagon.

  • en

    Tosseia Holmes


    Not your typical Sheraton. Rooms are a little aged and beds seem smaller than usual, but still a decent hotel. Lovely lobby area and perfect location near Arlington National Cemetery, just minutes from DT. The nearby shops have everything you need including restaurants, coffee shops, and even a laundromat. Parking on the side street was cheap and I didn't have trouble finding a spot.

  • Paschal Uchubilo

    Paschal Uchubilo


    I stayed here when I went on a school trip to Dc. It's somewhat affordable considering that up to four people can stay in one room and the room is moderately spacious. It's also walkable distance to some great restaurants. The bathroom was very clean. Overall I enjoyed my stay!

  • franchesca heridia

    franchesca heridia


    Fine overnight stay. Rooms are acceptable quality for short term stays. Ate lunch upon arrival at the Potomac restaurant in the hotel and I wouldn't eat there again. Room key did not work for parking but was not an issue. Would recommend for short stay.

  • Sofia Martinez

    Sofia Martinez


    From check-in to check-out all the staff was wonderful. The room was nice, bed to my liking. Pillows were softer than I like but, overall it was good.I had breakfast there courtesy of the staff and it was delicious. Overall, it was great! Stayed here from 11-25 July for work. Location was great! I could see the Air Force Memorial and the Pentagon from my window. Nice!The staff was pleasant upon arrival. I was able to negotiate parking and even use of the Club lounge. Pool was clean and staff was friendly.There was a shuttle that goes to the Pentagon City Mall every 20 minutes. I made good use of the gym on the top floor during inclement weather.Be nice to the lady who sets up the Club Lounge in the morning and she will be nice back.

najbliższy Kwatera

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