Shear Extacy Salon w Miller Place

Stany ZjednoczoneShear Extacy Salon



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725, New York 25A, 11764, Miller Place, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-821-0567
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Latitude: 40.943919, Longitude: -72.974656

komentarze 5

  • en

    Joann Faberlle


    Got the worst haircut of my life here. My hair (previously a really great cut) had gotten way too long and I wanted about an inch taken off with gentle layering, (basically the same cut I had, only shorter). The hairdresser, who I won’t name, went scissor happy and what I emerged with was a chopped mess!! I gave it a week thinking it would get better as it grew in some. When it didn’t, I went back to have it fixed. They were very gracious, and the hairdresser agreed to fix it. I must say, she did improve upon it, But it was way too far gone. I finally went somewhere else and the hairdresser managed to repair it somewhat. But it still needs to grow in some more to be REALLY fixed. Won’t be going back.

  • en

    Daniella Corpac


    Nothing but superb experience every time I come in. From the moment I walk through the door I am greeted by the lovely ladies at the front desk taking my coat, bag and offering me drinks. All the stylist are professional and talented ! I came in with a multi colored mess of a hair and Tracy exceeded my expectations. She took her time and perfected every strand ! Who would have thought dying my whole head pink and my hair is healthier now than it was before!!! Also I took my mother in law whom lives in Florida when she came to NY after a horror scene happened to her hair in Florida ! And She wanted blonde hair however it was extremely damaged and fried brown hair. Stylist Shannon was honest with her and did not do the blonde but instead did a treatment touch up cut. Needless to say she travels from Florida to get her hair done by the girls at Shear Extacy !!!! 5 stars *****

  • en

    Jen Komzyuk


    Fabulous experience!! I got my hair highlighted and it turned out so much better than I could imagine. Very polite and professional girls!!!!! Do yourself a favor and get your hair done here!!

  • Bella Vee

    Bella Vee


    This salon is amazing. Everyone here is so nice and professional. From the moment I walked in the salon the girls at the front desk greeted me sweetly and asked me if I wanted a drink. My stylist was amazing and understanding. I’ve always been scared to cut my hair and my stylist talked to me calmly about how much needed to be taken off. I won’t be going anywhere else. Thank you to the ladies at Shear Extacy for making me feel so welcomed !

  • en

    matthew cacace


    My girlfriend who I have been with for over a year and who always has such beautiful hair that she did herself, recently went into your salon and the experience has been a nightmare. She showed me pictures before going in of what she wanted and showed a genuine excitement to get her hair done for the first time in years and than proceeded to come home in tears . Her hair looked nothing like the pictures . She had dark black roots and yellow and orange hair . She got extensions that did not add any length to her hair and were put in to tight to the point that they hurt and were causing damage to her hair. She was mortified and would not leave the house . She spent almost 1000 dollars for this treatment . She sent pictures to the owner showing what she asked for and what her hair looked like and the owner admitted it was bad and to fix it but after having her hair taken care of so badly for the amount of money paid she wanted to go elsewhere and asked for a refund . The refund was declined and she had to spend another 450 or so elsewhere to get it fixed .There was no care for the customer . I am going to post everywhere I can to dissuade as many people I know from coming to this establishment .

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