Shaw’s Complete Security en Bergenfield

Estados UnidosShaw’s Complete Security


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74, South Washington Avenue, 07621, Bergenfield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-387-0049
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Latitude: 40.925294, Longitude: -73.99712

comentarios 5

  • en



    I didn't get service from Shaw but I just wanted to say that he is really a nice guy. I called in the morning because I was in real trouble. I locked myself out of the new house and I had movers scheduled to come in that afternoon. He said he wouldn't be able to get to me until 1PM but he did recommend other places in the area that were trustworthy. That says a lot about the business. He's a really nice guy.

  • Alyssa Diaz

    Alyssa Diaz


    The guy who runs this vicinity is an absolute unprofessional & is super rude. Got two keys made and neither of them worked. Instead of being helpful, he was rude & sarcastic. It seems there is also an issue of helping customers of color. Do not give these people your money!

  • Anthony Gregory

    Anthony Gregory


    No key that can't be made!

  • en

    Pramodh Smartphone


    Super quick service, got what I needed, no upselling, in and out in less than 10 minutes

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    Monique X


    Came to my house for an estimate for a lock system on my security door, was told I would receive the quote at the end of the day-it's now been almost a week and no reply. Pretty sure they didn't expect a black family to answer the door but our money is just as good.

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