Shail K. w Los Angeles

Stany ZjednoczoneShail K.



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1200, Santee Street, 90015, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 310-601-8881
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Latitude: 34.0359788, Longitude: -118.2573579

komentarze 5

  • en

    Cathy Goldizen


    Angie Knapp was so awesome to work with! My daughter couldn’t find a dress she liked and one of my friends told me about Angie. I sent her a message and within the hour she had replied and set an appointment for my daughter to come find a dress! Very good variety and sizes in stock! My daughter found dress she loved however there was a few beads off of the top, Angie was quick to take it to her lady and quickly got it fixed and shipped it to us! I highly recommend Angie!! A+++

  • Denise Kink

    Denise Kink


    This is my daughter's first Shail K. dress from Angie Knapp Boutique. She has a very large variety of gorgeous dresses. Angie was so very helpful and picked at least 10 dresses in the style my daughter was looking for to try on. We were able to pick the perfect one for my daughter and bring it home with us. The dresses are great quality and the prices are very reasonable. We are looking forward to coming back to Angie's again for a homecoming dress.

  • en

    Jaelyn Eilers


    I absolutely LOVED the dresses! It was such a tough choice to make because I couldn’t choose which one I loved more! All of the dresses were very affordable and I want to thank Angie Knapp for helping me pick out the perfect prom dress for me, Angie was super sweet and was a big help with finding my perfect prom dress, and I’ll definitely be shopping with her again!!! I am super happy with my dress, and I can not wait for prom!!! I highly recommend getting any prom or homecoming dress from here! 😊

  • en

    Jennifer Lolling


    Our experience with Angie Knapp was great!! Wish we had known about her last year. She was very knowledgeable about the company and colors/fittings for each dress. She had a huge selection of dresses and they were beautiful. She went out of her way to give my girl individualized attention. Great set up. Would highly recommend her.

  • en

    julia childress


    Angie Knapp was very helpful finding the perfect dress for my daughters senior prom. She is very welcoming and paid lots of attention to helping find the right dress. She has a great selection of quality dresses. The designer is wonderful, and there were many different styles. The prices were very reasonable! My daughters dress was $380.00 I’m sure we would have paid at least $600- $800 at another shop for the dress my daughter picked out. I wish we would have found Angie sooner.

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