Shadyside Village w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneShadyside Village


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Pittsburgh, PA 15232, USA
kontakt telefon: +1
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.450383, Longitude: -79.9358212

komentarze 5

  • Karen Spilman-Ang

    Karen Spilman-Ang


    Little mini mall with great places

  • Pan Z

    Pan Z


    The parking guy there is so rude and horrible!!! It was extremely cold and almost zero degree, I decided to get some bagel and then go to the key bank. The parking lot is almost empty, he yelled at me bc I wasn’t going to the key bank right away. Since I can’t even stop by the coffee shop grab a coffee without been yelled at. I will take my banking needs elsewhere then.

  • Olivo James

    Olivo James


    Walnut Street has good restaurants on it

  • en

    Kathy R


    Cute shopping village with a nail salon, bank, and hair salon all in one place..what more can you ask for?

  • Carrie K

    Carrie K


    The "security guard" or gate man that works there has got to go. I'm also glad to know that several business employees and a construction worker around the area agree with me. I've parked there countless times without any trouble and I am always in and out with my business, never even more than 5 minutes. For the first time I've ever seen him there doing his useless "job" of sitting on his ass and getting paid for it, he decided to threaten to ticket me and call the cops. I was under the impression that customers of the businesses were allowed to park there but apparently not? And just where else am I supposed to park? I thought he was outrageous to threaten me like that. Terrible people skills and customer service. Did I mention I've never seen him there before but apparently he says he's worked there for 30 years? And I am wondering how he has kept his job with such a crap attitude towards paying customers. If I can do anything about it he will not be working there much longer as he is not needed. I think its apparent that the businesses there have designated parking for their customers and a rude gate man is only turning customers away.

najbliższy Centrum handlowe

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