Shades of Essence w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneShades of Essence


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1111, Broadhollow Road, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-393-6677
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7088893, Longitude: -73.4278497

komentarze 5

  • en

    Leelee ward


    I knew all the hair salons in Hempstead... EHD, Kingdom is hair ,Phyllis Ramsey, Shades of Essence etc.... I must say Hempstead had some of the best hairdressers in New York including the five boroughs. Andrea Cheese by far was and is one of the most talented hairstylist that can give the BEST precision cut , and I would travel from NYC to Hempstead and now Farmingdale to get one of her cuts. The only thing is by her advancing and becoming sort after, it doesn't have the same personal feeling as it once did and that is greatly missed.

  • Dionne Serrette

    Dionne Serrette


    I called to make an appointment to get my lox done and the person that answered the phone told me that she would have the hair dresser call me back to make an appointment. I never got a call back. It's very disappointing because there are not that many salons out here to choose from. But I rather drive to another town for good service that go down the block for poor service.

  • dantaeh



    I received the name of one of the hairdressers of this place from a co-worker of mine and tried to contact the salon to make an appointment with her. I could never get to speak to her and the persons that answered were not helpful and did not seem like they wanted clients. I felt like I was being put on the chopping block to get a hair appointment, I will not be going to that salon.

  • Tanika Henderson

    Tanika Henderson


    Great Salon to go to if you have a good 5 hours of free time on your hands because thats how long its going to take to get your hair done. Hairstyling was good, but they need to learn time management here.

  • en

    Пользователь Google


    The service is absolutely fantastic here. I would recommend anyone to go here. It's the best salon I've been to in Long Island.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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