S&H Sign Inc. w Beltsville

Stany ZjednoczoneS&H Sign Inc.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5000, Cook Road, 20705, Beltsville, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-572-5783
strona internetowej: www.shsign.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.0360499, Longitude: -76.9053279

komentarze 2

  • en

    Neighborhood Remodelers


    Always a pleasure doing business here. Excellent service with competitive prices. Their creative input has helped my business get more recognition with signs and decals. Very professional!

  • Areen Movsessian

    Areen Movsessian


    Lies, Deceit, unprofessional business practice. I've been in business for 30 years and dealt with countless companies and contractors collectively and this poor excuse for a sign company takes the prize for the most disorganized and careless operation. After multiple phone calls and promises that the sign we were inquiring about would be "done in just a few days" we came to find out that the company refuses to answer their phone, return phone calls, and even emails when asked for a call back to avoid being called out for their carelessness. Their "just a few days" promise turned into 2 weeks of chasing them around and being told that their schedule for installs is booked and they basically would get to us whenever their unorganized business has time. I am so angry they I trusted this company as I've worked with other sign companies in the past that were very professional, courteous, and timely. We are now going to be opening our location without a sign because the owner Leyla refuses to cooperate and has been missing for days without returning calls. She sends out occasional emails in order to keep people latched on but does not have any understanding of correspondence or a sense of urgency. What a disaster and what a mistake it was to trust this company. To add fuel to the fire, her and her manager blame the customer for all of their wrongdoings and have zero understanding of adequate service or professionalism. What an embarrassment to small businesses that do honest work.

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