SEVA Beauty w Woodbridge Township

Stany ZjednoczoneSEVA Beauty



🕗 godziny otwarcia

306, US Highway 9N, 07095, Woodbridge Township, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-347-6150
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Latitude: 40.5358361, Longitude: -74.2931387

komentarze 5

  • Angela Ogden Shapiro

    Angela Ogden Shapiro


    DO NOT GET THE LASH EXTENSIONS AND THIS LOCATION HAS HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE. It’s too long of a story to explain it all but let me say (DO NOT BUY A GIFT CARD) & (DO NOT GET THE LASH EXTENSIONS AT THIS LOCATION).. I came in one day, was told to come back the next at 9 b/c the girls that were there at the time couldn’t do lash extensions. So I was there at 9 the next day and waited till 915 for someone to come and open and guess what ??? The girl couldn’t do lash extensions either and told me to come back at 11. I had an eye appt and at the optical center and was able to get in earlier so I CAME BACK AGAIN at 11 and had 2 women YELLING over my head while getting them done. SO UNPROFESSIONAL... AND After asking each time how long they last? And BEING TOLD 1-2 weeks “NO GUARANTEES, OF COURSE” THEY STARTED FALLING OUT THE NEXT DAY (SAT) AND BY SUNDAY I HAD HUGE GAPS THAT LOOKED RIDICULOUS. I looked online to see how to care for them and DIDNT EVEN USE EYE MAKE UP OVER THE WEEKEND. I ALSO GOT MY EYEBROWS DONE AND SHE MISSED A TON OF THEM. Then She said I was going to get “FREE LASH EXTENSIONS” with buying a $55 gift card for Mother’s Day, which I DID and when the other lady who did lash extensions came she even repeated I WOULD GET FREE EXTENSIONS WHILE she was doing them, AFTER IT WAS OVER SHE ASKED FOR THE GIFT CARD AND DEDUCTED $25!! I was so upset I just wanted to get out if there after waiting, and them giving me a headache SCREAMING at each other. I can easily go into more detail but I have a VIDEO Recording of how HORRIBLE these women acted over my head the whole time. HORRIBLE SERVICE.

  • C C

    C C


    Heena is the best they got. Shes quick and shape your eyebrows to your style. I strongly recommend this location.

  • Tatyana Aponte

    Tatyana Aponte


    i come here almost every month for my eyebrows ! really great service! heena was excellent and very nice! 😊

  • en

    Megan Holben


    I have been a dedicated customer of this salon for atleast 2 years now & have always had a great experience until last weekend. This most recent experience was with a new lady I've never seen there before. The woman there did my eyebrow threading and I left not really happy because it seemed like she didn't really do anything to change my eyebrows, she barely cleaned up the extra hair and didn't shape them or define them at all. Once I left and realized how disappointed I was I went back and asked her just to define them a little bit more because they looked the same. Well, after she did them this second time I got out of there as quick as I could before I freaked out on her. I have almost no eyebrows left!!! I am beyond upset especially because I barely have eyebrows to begin with and had been growing them out for years and only came to Seva because I felt they always did the bestjob and made them look great! I want to cry everytime I look in the mirror....not only will I never go back there again, I have no idea where to go now once they start growing back in....if they ever do!!!! 😭😞😠

  • en

    Sahi Benipal


    Its a really bad service the girl whoever did my eyebrow she cut my skin, and I talk to the owner she also really stupid, she don't know how to talk with clients Her name is USHA. Pls careful befor u go guys. Thanks

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