Sephora i New York

Forenede StaterSephora



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2655, Richmond Avenue, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-761-7724
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.5824064, Longitude: -74.1661872

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kemiyah Lacy


    If I could give this location 0 stars I would. Trash customer service, no diversity, 100% waste of time. I live a few minutes away from this location and would prefer to travel to the city for better assistance and associates that don’t have a holier than thou attitude. Most of the staff I’ve seen here can’t even do their own makeup so I would definitely not trust them to do mine.

  • JM RO

    JM RO


    Looks like I didn't have the same experience as others! I'm actually very pleased with my visit to this location. Loren, the sales rep was really helpful and took her time with me! The minute she came she started introducing me to other products she felt may have suited my skin type. She color matched me, and helped me pick out things I didn't even go there for…. (thanks Loren) lol. My overall experience was better because of the way she handles the customers! I plan on returning very soon to get my makeup done in hopes it would be Loren doing it!

  • en

    staten island


    Wow! Reading other negative reviews and I’m just nodding my head! I’m surprised when I encounter anyone positive or friendly at this location! They treat people like second rate citizens and they’re very stuck up. Also I returned a broken lipliner which was broken off when I opened it and the older lady at the register was trying to get out of exchanging it! I just shot her a serious glare and she stopped her nonsense. It seems like they’re very comfortable being this way but I’m not comfortable shopping there. Someone should do an undercover investigation about this. One star too much.

  • en

    Arslan Ryspekov


    Terrible place, staff is mostly of Caucasian ethnicity and I estimate the average age as 35+. Sephora is among many retailers that are dominated by ladies. So here you have it, I had a lady of Caucasian ethnicity in her late 40s, violate my unused product that I attempted to return and then deem it non-returnable based on physical changes she just made. To be frank she opened the tube of eye liner and squeezed the insides so that some of it came out, then she uses this fact to make a claim that the item was used and overall is half-empty. Love Sephora, but in this particular situation I felt helpless as she abused whatever authority she had. Will write to corporate compliance department specifically regarding this issue, will attempt to bring store audit.

  • en

    Tracy Liang


    Coming from someone that also works retail and values customer satisfaction, the staffs at this location is by far the worst I had seen. I came in to return an item that I used twice because the product does not live up to its functionality. The staff examines it and then squeezes product out, takes it away to ask a manager and then refuses to exchange or refund it because it’s ‘too empty’... I used the item twice... once when I bought it and 2nd to give it a 2nd chance before I go back to Sephora... extremely disappointed in their service. I understand if the item shows wear and is actually used or empty, but the item is used twice... packaging and all is intacted.... after all the money I spend with Sephora as a VIB ROUGE....No surprise the rating for this store is so low...... terrible staff quality.

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