Sennheiser w San Francisco

Stany ZjednoczoneSennheiser



🕗 godziny otwarcia

278, Post Street, 94102, San Francisco, San Francisco County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 415-732-0343
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.78881, Longitude: -122.406552

komentarze 5

  • 黃璽融



    Really nice They are nice people the are really nice The guards had poked face but actually he is a nice funny guy. You have open your heart. I am Asian too

  • Dane Brehm

    Dane Brehm


    What a great store for Audiophiles. My first Sennheiser store after owning several of there headphones over the years. Excellent service with lots of audio zones to test there headphones. Purchased a set of PXC550. The only disappointing part was they don't have these top of the line headphones for women with smaller heads or else my wife would have purchased a set.

  • Carlos Reyes

    Carlos Reyes


    Cool place they let you try the headphones out and they are very friendly. Another thing is they have resting areas where you can take your time trying out the headphones no rush they also have books on the tables if you want to read them as well. Overall good store and good people.

  • en

    tim t


    I see some people write in their reviews that they were ignored. That happens to me too not because I am Muslim. It happens because America is full of idiots. At this store I wasn't ignored. People were nice and friendly until I told them that I Am planning to purchase their headphones online. The reason I came was to try before I make a purchase. Once they had realized that I am not planing to buy anything today their smile disappeared.

  • en



    The lady at the front just ignore me when I walked in. And then another guest came in, she asked him if she could help immediately. Was it because I am Asian? or I looked poor? I am pretty sure she saw me and she was free. Worst shopping experience ever.

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