Senator John J Flanagan w Smithtown

Stany ZjednoczoneSenator John J Flanagan


brak informacji

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260, Middle Country Road, 11787, Smithtown, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-361-2154
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Latitude: 40.8552367, Longitude: -73.1801521

komentarze 5

  • Nathan Scherer

    Nathan Scherer


    Time to vote him out! Supporting Lipa instead of the people in his district! LIpa had promised not to try to get their taxes down and now they are going to court to "screw" the people of Northport. Guess what? Sen. FLanagan is on the side of Lipa and not trying to help the people he represents! Then there is the issue of assault guns! Typical Republican on the side of the NRA! Time to elect someone who will help the people he represents and not his cronies.

  • John Schindler

    John Schindler


    Isn't it time NY state passed GENDA? The bill is almost old enough to drive!

  • en

    Fredrick Kiesecker


    The Senator has time for golf but not for abused children. He prevented a vote on a bill that likely would have passed. Why would anyone not want to vote on a bill that would benefit our children? Why? No stars for you Senator!!! ( your need to pick a star to post)

  • Nancy Chenier

    Nancy Chenier


    Pro-child molestation dressing in religious robes. When upholding a sick institution is more important than seeing that victims get justice--children at that--you have lost the moral high ground.

  • en

    Harold Siering


    If I could give a no stars I would. He has prevented the Child's Victims Act in New York from coming to a full floor vote in the New York Senate. He is personally protecting the rapist and not the future of our State the Children. All we hear are excuses and no actions!

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