Сейвилл Форд w Sayville

Stany ZjednoczoneСейвилл Форд



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5686, Sunrise Highway, 11782, Sayville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 855-561-1191
strona internetowej: sayvilleford.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7666253, Longitude: -73.0702764

komentarze 5

  • en

    Beth Vlahavas


    Unbelievable customer service in all aspects. Lisa Pavese was phenomenal to work with as was Tom in finance. By far the most pressure free car buying experience we have ever had . Will never go any place else to buy a car!

  • en

    Andrew Gilbert


    My salesperson Tony was very helpful. He went above and beyond to find the right vehicle to fit my needs, budget and difficult leasing requirements. I love my new Fusion Hybrid!

  • en

    Justin McCarthy


    I would like like to start with an applause to the Sayville Ford team! I would also like to let you know that Lisa Pavesi in trucks and Tom from finance were absolutely top notch and very responsive. They truly gave me an A+ experience and my overall experience couldn't have been better. I am in boat sales myself and pride myself in service and communication and they both really hit the note with my experience at sayville ford. I am scheduled to take delivery of my new vehicle this evening and cannot wait! Lisa and Tom proved to me that there are stand up people in the auto industry this has been a seamless and worry free buying experience because of the two of them. Keep up the great work and don't let either of them go anywhere they are a TRUE asset to your dealership and proved to me that not all dealerships are the same. They have earned a new customer from my great experience at your Sayville Ford!

  • en

    Mike Clancy


    I ordered a new Mustang from the factory, so the experience was somewhat different than your typical lot sale. I let Rose know what I wanted and the order was placed. Rose was extremely personable and answered all my questions along the way. Tom in finance made the transaction very fast and easy. I only recommend Sayville Ford for a reason!

  • Chris Plume

    Chris Plume


    They have a variety and a lot vehicles to pick from. great Prices Excellent service great location. Very good customer service and support.. I'm very happy with them

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