Sears Appliance Repair i Lake Grove

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4, Smith Haven Mall, 11755, Lake Grove, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-721-4560
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Latitude: 40.8665779, Longitude: -73.1307969

kommentar 5

  • Barbara Dick

    Barbara Dick


    The most professional repair people I've dealt with in a long time. Sears is great.

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    Mary Herz


    OK, I am giving 5 stars to Avery & Tom only because they FINALLY came & did the service to my washer (I have a service contract with Sears). Previously, scheduled repair man was a no show, no call, etc. I took off two days from my job (without pay). I waited all day for sears service to show up for repair appointment, I called 5 times & I was told repairman will call me back in 45 minutes, he is delayed. Well he never called or showed up at all. As a matter of fact, I never heard from anyone from Sears Service. I had to keep calling to talk to someone about my repair. I called to find out how they would compensate me for my loss of the repair services they were supposed to provide me with & also my loss of time from work. I was without my washer machine for weeks!! They said call us back after the repair has been completed........TBC On another repair service appointment for my Dryer (this was back in November 2017), Sears farmed out the repair t another appliance company (they said it was do to high volume and this would get my repair completed much quicker), well that was definitely NOT what happened. They sent a repairman from Jay Dor repairs. The repairman showed up, sat in his car for a while, came in without any tools, looked at the dryer, turned it on, turned it off, told me what he thought it was. I asked him if he was gonna take a look at the machine, he said no if I touch it I'm responsible for the repair and I don't get paid if something happens. Then he went outside again for a few minutes, came back in and said he had to order parts. OK I said, will they be sent here to my house next day air, He said oh no we have them sent to our office because we have to get paid for them first. Well after several WEEKS I called Sears to find out what happened to my dryer repair, they said, Oh, you can call the company to set up a service date. so now its the middle of December. I call, set up appointment for repair, repairman comes, replaces parts. A few days later the same problem with dryer. I call set up repair appointment. Its now January 2018. He repairs the dryer finally. almost tow months to get my dryer repaired!!!! WTH

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    Sharon Goldstein


    Excellent Service. Came to the house right on time. Ordered the part, returned 2 days letter precisely on time again. Dishwasher is good as new!!

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    Jimmy LoScalzo


    The Sear Authorized mechanics were EXCELLENT they knew there product and had the repair done in several hours, Thanks Al.... It is working like brand new. This is why I ALWAYS request Sears Authorized Mechanics NOT THOSE 3RD PARTY GUYS!! Because of your Authorized Mechanics I have renewed my Insurance policy for another year. I was going to let it run out and go to another Home Insurance Company. Thank Techs!!!

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    Susan Peterson-Redmond


    The technician who came here was nice and personable. However, he installed my range clock/timer on a slight angle which makes it a bit inconvenient to use the timer button. That aside, Sears makes NO effort to do things in a timely fashion. It took 3 weeks to get the tech here just to diagnose the problem with my stove, then 2 more weeks to get the part and install it. So for 5 weeks I had a nearly non-functioning oven. And I have a Master Protection Agreement with them, meaning it cost me nothing to fix, but meant nothing in terms of their timeliness in repairing my appliance. I will no longer buy appliances from Sears because their repair punctuality stinks. Big time!

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