Sears Appliance Repair en Newburgh

Estados UnidosSears Appliance Repair



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1401, New York 300, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-406-9824
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.516146, Longitude: -74.0708661

comentarios 5

  • Alysabeth Beesmer

    Alysabeth Beesmer


    If I could rate them lower and still write a review, I would. On March 23rd, I called and had a technician come out to diagnose a problem with my dryer. It was a hefty repair cost as their diagnosis costs 110 and the drum wrapper was broken (an approx $250 part). They talked me into a whole home warranty to cover the repair and any other issues that came up. After that, for weeks into months, their call center told me the part was back-ordered. They kept scheduling service techs to come to my house and cancelling them. I would call to inquire about the part that I had to pay for in advance, and after an at least ten minute phone call (waiting on hold, confirming my info, asking me questions), they would tell me it was back ordered, that they would get back to me in 48 hours. I was never contacted except for another cancelled service appointment. By the end of April, I finally was fed up and cancelled my service and warranty. They said I would not receive a full refund on the home warranty since "I used it". They still have not refunded the part. I'm not sure they've cancelled the order. Last week a tech was on his way to my house. Here's the kicker. I called Samsung. The part was not even back ordered. I ordered from Samsung directly and had the part (cheaper!) in less than 2 weeks, and they got me in touch with a great company (NiSI) to fix it the next day. All in all, I've spent well over 50 hours on the phone talking to Sears reps, first trying to get my dryer fixed, and then just trying to cancel the service and get my money back. I've never had to deal with a company so frustrating. How they have such a high rating here is BEYOND comprehension. I hope that I get my money back so I can put this whole thing behind me.

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    Henry Ponti


    Randy provided excellent service. Repaired defective bulb socket in our microwave. He was neat, efficient, and very friendly.

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    Linda DeWitt


    The repairman arrived on time and found the problem quickly. My washing machine is operating a lot better.




    Great Service. Technician very helpful and knowledgeable. He represents your company very well. A true professional.

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    Donald Hartnett


    Excellent service for dishwasher, washer and dryer. The technicians were prompt, very helpful in the operation of all appliances. They were able to answer my questions and give me some advice on the care of the appliances. Hope to see them next year.

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