Scarsdale Aesthetic Medicine en Scarsdale

Estados UnidosScarsdale Aesthetic Medicine



🕗 horarios

2, Overhill Road, 10583, Scarsdale, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-722-9440
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.988283, Longitude: -73.8066697

comentarios 5

  • francia peralta

    francia peralta


    After one visit the doctor did more for me than any doctor that I’ve visited for years!

  • en

    Fabiana Murray


    Great doctors, very attentive to our needs and also caring! Would highly recommend to anyone looking for holistic doctors who don’t just prescribe medicine to fix the problem. They look for the cause. A holistic approach is the best approach to medicine!

  • Tom Email

    Tom Email


    Great doctor and staff.

  • en

    Clay Ellish


    I have been going to Dr. Lee for over 3 years. Not only do I love the aesthetic results that she has provided, but also I absolutely adore her and the staff! I highly recommend Dr. Lee!

  • Marie Aiello Boardman

    Marie Aiello Boardman


    I love everything about this office. Dr. Lee and her team of professionals are incredibly caring, thoughtful and supportive-- they make me feel as if I'm their only patient. Dr. Lee's approach to medicine, and her attention to the body/brain is a true blessing for her patients. I always considered myself "healthy" but could never understand why I was constantly sick, and tired. Dr. Lee helped me understand why. I enrolled in the Functional Medicine program-- 4 years now!-- and I have never felt better in my life.

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