SC CROSSFIT 165 w Hicksville

Stany ZjednoczoneSC CROSSFIT 165



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942, South Broadway, 11801, Hicksville, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-933-0165
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7454467, Longitude: -73.5004209

komentarze 5

  • en

    Chris DeSousa


    Great coaches. Great atmosphere. Some of the best affiliate programming I’ve seen in my 5 years of Crossfit. Highly recommend this place.




    Love this place. The coaches are the best. The sense of community is awesome

  • Michael Bowen

    Michael Bowen


    A.) Next to never do I ever write reviews. B.) This just feels completely necessary - given the experience I've had with them. I've been going to SC CrossFit 165 since the end of October, and have been more than satisfied with my experience. From the beginning learning stages (Which for me .. never seem to end, LOL) to a now somewhat "okay" CrossFitter, these 5 stars are well deserved! The team pays close attention to each of its members, making sure that the movements are being executed safely. They continuously push you to the limit, motivationally of course, and constantly inspire their members to do & achieve more! Teaching and educating throughout the way. Also, the community aspect of this "Box" is another reason to love SC CrossFit 165, as there is nothing that bonds people together more than doing something that is physically intense and difficult! I recommend this box to all, and will continue to boast about it! Thank you Charlie and to the team, you guys seriously ROCK!

  • William Robles

    William Robles


    CrossFit 165 has a standard of excellence that keeps me looking forward to coming to their classes.

  • jagjit singh badhan

    jagjit singh badhan


    The best part of Cross fit is Team work. Coaches shuffle workout plan each day that rejuvenate the mind and nerves. After 12 sessions I feel more energetic than before. At Cross fit one feel connected and motivated to do the best. I feel happy to be part of it and thankful to coaches for their dedication.. :)

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