SB Beauty Long Island en Lindenhurst

Estados UnidosSB Beauty Long Island



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Lindenhurst, NY 11757, ארצות הברית
contactos teléfono: +1 631-891-8578
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.699853, Longitude: -73.368867

comentarios 2

  • en

    Lisa Triola


    I had a facial today from Stefani. It was soothing, refreshing, and absolutely wonderful. I am definitely going to make this a me time thing.

  • en

    Kelci Lohmuller


    Best spray tan experience !! I have gotten a spray tan before and I was not satisfied. I was going away and wanted some color quickly but I was very hesitant. I had contacted Stefani the day before I was leaving and she fit me right into her schedule. She made me feel very comfortable and went over all of the different colors with me and explained what would blend nicely with my skin tone and why. She was very helpful with the aftercare of the spray tan and explaining what to expect. After getting the spray tan done (which did not take long at all) I followed her instructions and I couldn't have been happier. The tan was so natural looking and I couldn't believe how long the tan lasted! I will definitely be going to Stefani more often for this. It is a great way to get a quick natural looking tan that lasts!

Salón de belleza más cercano

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