Savage Classical Guitar w Bohemia

Stany ZjednoczoneSavage Classical Guitar



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385, Central Avenue, 11716, Bohemia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-335-5447
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.780168, Longitude: -73.089788

komentarze 5

  • en

    Michael Barosky


    I recently purchased a vintage Ramirez 1a from Savage Classical Guitar. The entire process from initial emails to auditioning the guitar for as long as I wanted, was a positive experience, so I felt compelled to share my thoughts. Rich Sayage is a ‘straight shooter’. Honest and straightforward. There is no pressure. There’s no hype. He’ll offer his opinion (only if you ask for it) and by opinion I mean a wealth of knowledge about classical guitars, music and business practices. Rich has a passion for what he does and it shows! You can tell he cares about his customers and the builders he represents. He’s more concerned about his reputation and your satisfaction than about making a sale. With the generous complimentary accessories package Rich threw in to care for my new instrument I almost felt guilty when I left! My advice to potential buyers is don’t take chances ordering online or from the big retailers. If you are interested in acquiring a Classical or Flamenco, give Rich a call or better yet, make a visit to his showroom and play one or more of the beauties from the excellent collection well featured on his website. Heck, even if you don’t end up purchasing the first time you visit, it’s fun just hanging out with Rich and talking about guitars! Michael New York, N.Y.

  • Fred Gerantabee

    Fred Gerantabee


    I came across savage guitar looking for the right place to purchase my next high end classical guitar. Working with Rich was a true pleasure; he took the time to get to know me and find the perfect guitar for me within my price range. I ended up leaving with a fantastic guitar, and would totally recommend anybody looking for a serious classical or flamenco comes here. It's well worth the drive.

  • en

    Dave Zak


    Googled music store near me and found this place. This was maybe two maybe even three years ago. It was completely unexpected, he sells out of his home and his collection of instruments is fantastic. Beautiful sound. That's what it's all about. Want a mass produced guitar? He might have one that he thought sounds better then their identical twins. What he's really about is instruments that meet his high standards of sound production. I truly believe he had personally played every single instrument in his inventory prior to deciding that it belonged there.

  • en

    Larry Platt


    Highly recommended. Great personal attention is given to helping the player find the right instrument, and the hand-selected inventory is, deservedly, a point of pride. If you''re looking for a dealer who takes the selection of your guitar as seriously as you do, and will treat you fairly in all respects, this is your place.

  • sergio salvucci

    sergio salvucci


    The ultimate guitar guitar experience. I was searching for a concert classical guitar and had visited a number of dealers, stores and private collectors however Savage Classical Guitar was above and beyond all of them in terms of inventory, quality of instruments and so much more. I was met by Rich and we sat and discussed what I was looking for, immediately it was a very comfortable environment and I could tell he wanted to find the right guitar for me. I played on about fifteen guitars I had made a list of from viewing his online store for several hours. Rich would provide detailed descriptions of the instruments and their makers and play for me if I wanted to take the role of the listener. The following day after narrowing down the choices, I cycled through the best instruments for me for a number of hours and came away with the perfect guitar for all of my needs. If you are looking to buy a guitar look no further, this is the place. Nothing matches it and the wonderful treatment you will receive. Seriously, go there, even if you have to fly, or drive for hours on end, every moment of the experience is worth it.

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