Sasha's on Shaw w St. Louis

Stany ZjednoczoneSasha's on Shaw



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4069, Shaw Boulevard, 63110, St. Louis, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 314-771-7274
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.6163786, Longitude: -90.2503471

komentarze 5

  • Loni Hutton

    Loni Hutton


    Love it the staff is super friendly. Chef Apollo he is awesome please do not sleep on him. He is the next Top Chef. Guaranteed

  • Brewer Kindra

    Brewer Kindra


    The one and only time I went to this place I was completely ignored by the waitstaff for entirely too long both times I went to get a drink. At one point I stood at the end of the bar clearly needing something on a night that was not very busy and counted five associates standing behind the bar either drinking water or talking and flirting with each other. The other time i went to get a drink I was immediately asked what I wanted by a man that then turned around and literally quizzed a new employee on how to make certain drinks before he leaned down and grabbed a bottle of beer out of the cooler and setting it in front of me. It took entirely too long to get any attention from anyone who worked there and when I did they had a very smug attitude. I left a comment on Instagram about being ignored by the waitstaff and was immediately blocked. Awesome. Never going back.

  • en

    Todd Groff


    We are visiting from Oklahoma and found this delightful neighborhood restaurant. Ky waited on us and made us feel like one of the regulars. The food was excellent!

  • en

    Kate Rose


    I love the food on the menu. Everyone who works here was super nice and friendly. I sat on the patio in the evening and enjoyed the privacy of the tables set between the garden areas. They were accommodating to my friend with her dog, giving us more space, and water for the dog.

  • Alex Goetten

    Alex Goetten


    Nice place with quality selections of beer, wine and food. A great patio with good ambiance. It’s a little expensive though. Good for a nicer option now and then.

najbliższy Bar

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