Sargent Upholstery Co. w Jacksonville

Stany ZjednoczoneSargent Upholstery Co.



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44, East 1st Street, 32206, Jacksonville, Duval County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 904-355-2529
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.336274, Longitude: -81.6537737

komentarze 5

  • en

    Chriss Mazzarella


    Had Sargent's make me a new convertible top boot for my 1982 Buick Riviera. Excellent job good color match and fit. Best of all the car was kept in doors and constantly protected.

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    Tom Hindle


    Sargent Upholstery met and exceeded my high expectations with the work they did on my 1936 Fiat Topolino. Working with Mike Todd was a pleasant experience, as he is a true professional. Bob, the expert technician who did the actual work, rebuilt and recovered my original seats and installed carpeting. Everything they did was done perfectly, and I will use this great company again in the future.

  • en

    Renee Favo


    I found Sargent's to be wonderfully professional, competent, and honest. Mike quoted me a great price and Bob did an excellent job on my Volvo headliner repair. I'm a happy customer! I'm so glad to know about Sargent's. :)

  • en

    Jakob Hastie


    Sargent's Upholstery was amazing. We took my son's car in to Sargent's to have the front seats redone, after getting several outrageous quotes from other competitors. Sargent's was extremely professional and reasonable. They did such an amazing job that the seats look brand new. I highly recommend this company for any upholstery work you may need to have done. It was truly remarkable.

  • en

    R Fudge


    I needed to replace the 2 piece headliner in my truck, so I asked for recommendations from friends and business associates. It was unanimous… Everyone told me to take my truck to Sargent. Sean and Mike were very helpful and took the time to answer all of my questions. I was given a very reasonable estimate of the cost along with the timing to complete the headliner. I’m very glad I took the recommendations of my friends and went to Sargent Upholstery… The headliner is phenomenal! It’s better than factory and exceeded all of my expectations. Sargent Upholstery did an outstanding job! Thank you Mike, Sean and the entire Sargent’s team! I strongly recommend Sargent for anyone in need of upholstery work on their vehicle. A+++++

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