Saraga International Grocery w Indianapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneSaraga International Grocery



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3605, Commercial Drive, 46222, Indianapolis, Marion County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 317-388-9999
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Latitude: 39.8182139, Longitude: -86.2270243

komentarze 5

  • en

    Adewale Adekoya


    A really good place for anyone in of grocery across many foreign cultures. Be it African, Asian, Latino, or Caribbean. This is the place to go. Whenever I'm in the mood to cook and eat like I'm back in Nigeria, i go grocery shopping at Saraga. Never ever been disappointed.

  • Una Hartzell-Baird

    Una Hartzell-Baird


    Great selection of foods from around the world. Fairly well organized and displayed. Some produce is wilted or not well ripened, but most seems as good as other grocery stores. The location has ample parking and isn't terribly difficult to find. Buyer beware on the fermented cabbage heads featured among the smoked meats and cheeses, if the bag is full of air, the vacuum has been released and the product has gone bad. The cashier I worked with this evening wasn't rude, but was certainly a bit lackluster. I feel for her though, it's a busy place. I'm concerned her breaks may be inadequate since she was eating her dinner between transactions at the cash register.

  • en

    John Broaddy


    This place has it all. Has a produce market type feel. Has a Asian and Mexican restaurant located inside. Also, does have a bakery. They offer a halal butcher. They do offer fresh fish. And, they have an extensive international food market. The only downside, could be said about the check out lines. They can feel like they move slow.

  • Jered Myslinski

    Jered Myslinski


    This store has everything and more. Dozen of types of rice, meats, and packaged goods. They have all types of foods from every culture I can think of. Their Asian selections are amazing and I can find tons of snacks and meals. They also have several restaurants and a bakery inside that will prepare delicious food! I had a spicy stew that was way larger than I thought it would be.

  • Candice Nolan

    Candice Nolan


    We always enjoy our visit to Saraga when we are in Indy. It's a very large store with amazing options. They have a fantastic seafood and meat department. Also a nice selection of alcholic drinks. Many countries are represented with their products. Personally I wish they had more from South Africa and Europe but I'm sure they do what they can. The produce section is loaded with great treats from around the world. They also have a Mexican bakery and a few to go restaurants inside. It's always packed with crowds when we are here, even late at night and there's so much to look at. Plan to spend at least an hour here. And it's easy to blow $200 if you're a foodie and enjoy cooking. Kid friendly but keep them close. Easy to get lost in this big market.

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