Санмерри Бейкери & Кафе w Fort Lee

Stany ZjednoczoneСанмерри Бейкери & Кафе



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2151, Lemoine Avenue, 07024, Fort Lee, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-944-0088
strona internetowej: www.sunmerryus.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8563831, Longitude: -73.9678208

komentarze 5

  • job Asfaw

    job Asfaw


    Large variety of bakery to choose. The place can be much better if they work on the sitting area in the pattern of Starbucks, Panera bread....

  • Rachel Lee

    Rachel Lee


    Relaxing place to come and chat with friends. I like their bubble teas. The original milk bubble tea does not give me any headaches, unlike those in order from Kung Fu. Although I've been here more than a dozen times, I haven't tried too many of their pastries. I always end up getting their raison white bread and munch on it while I catch up with friends over a coffee. The matcha powder flavor in their green tea roll cake was way too strong. And trust me, I am a huge fan of green tea anything. Matcha latte with salted marshmallow(?) was surprisingly delicious. I was told that it's a classic drink item at cafes in Taiwan, and although the drink at Sun Merry is good, it can't be compared to the ones they sell in Taiwan. Just be careful, the drink is extremely hot because the heat of the latte gets trapped under the thick layer of salt marshmallow. This place could be cleaner.

  • Hansong Kim

    Hansong Kim


    Fresh good bread bakery. Good price and large portion. Everyday can meet differents kinds of breads! There are also Yummy Cake, Juice, coffee. 다양한 종류의 맛있는 빵들을 합리적인 가격으로 맛볼 수 있는 곳. 빵 포션도 커서 하나만 먹어도 배가 부르다. 다양한 종류의 케익도 있음.

  • en

    Te-Sheng Lin


    An authentic Taiwanese bakery & cafe with free Wi-fi and friendly staff. Love their garlic roast beef bread, sandwiches, cakes, yogurts and tofu breads ♡ Update: They renovated the store and changed to the new hours: Mon -Sat 7:00 am - 8:30 pm Sun 7:00 am - 8:00 pm

  • Paul Cohen

    Paul Cohen


    Good bread and small easy to pickup and eat items. The good thing is they change there menu from time to time and add new items. They usually keep my favorites but have dropped one or two that I like, but I'm sure they will bring back in again. They do bake with a ton of butter. I've left a bun in a cold car and come out later to find the thing rock hard from the butter freezing. They have cakes but I've never been a big fan. Their desserts in the past have lacked flavor. Not a big fan of the lunch sandwiches either.

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