San Antonio Fire Museum w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczoneSan Antonio Fire Museum



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801, East Houston Street, 78205, San Antonio, Bexar County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 210-390-7236
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.4261843, Longitude: -98.4842303

komentarze 5

  • Nader Abdallah

    Nader Abdallah


    Amazing experience and a wonderful staff. Tour guides were retired firefighters who clearly have a passion for this and love to share their insight, experience and information on the their time and the history of the San Antonio fire department. The fact that the museum is in the old fire station 1 made the experience all the better.

  • Bruno Coutinho

    Bruno Coutinho


    The staff is composed of genuinely dedicated firefighter retirees, which makes for a really great experience for museum visitors. They really know their stuff! We were greeted by a really friendly host/guide who gave us a brief background on the museum history and the SAFD as a whole. The exhibits are very interesting and well put together, and the museum is tidy and very well kept. I was told they have fire safety events for kids to learn the dangers of playing with fire. I would recommend this museum for people of any age.

  • Mandy H

    Mandy H


    What a wonderful place! Super affordable, and my kids absolutely loved it! You're started off with a volunteer firefighter tour that tells you about some of their items, then they let you explore on your own. My kids loved dressing up at firemen pretended to put out fires. So glad we stopped here, it's amazing!

  • en

    Jeremy H


    This place is absolutely amazing. My dad was a fireman and there's so much stuff here I recognize and can explain to my kids. I loved that one of the people there showed us around at first and then gave us time to look around. I think my kids could have spent hours just putting on the fire fighter gear and pretending to put out fires.

  • Jennifer Joling

    Jennifer Joling


    We took our grandson here when we were visiting him in San Antonio. My husband is a firefighter and wanted our grandson to see the trucks and meet the fireman that run this Museum. Our experience was so much more than what we could have ever imagined. The fireman and volunteers that run this Museum are wonderful people and gave us a very nice tour. Our grandson enjoyed it, our daughters enjoyed it, and my husband and I were thoroughly entertained and enjoyed it as well. This is a very worthwhile stop in the city of San Antonio and I would highly recommend it to anybody!

najbliższy Muzeum

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