Sam's Town Hotel & Gambling Hall w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneSam's Town Hotel & Gambling Hall



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5111, Boulder Highway, 89122, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-456-7777
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.112778, Longitude: -115.0623035

komentarze 5

  • Crystal Lightner

    Crystal Lightner


    Great Service, was celebrating my daughter and mother birthday one turn 21 and the other turned 80. We made a reservation with no problem we were all running as little late but our table was still available. They set us up and proceed to take orders right away the young lady was awesome she got everyone order pretty much right. They give us privacy but made sure drinks were full our food was good and with that amount people she served I tip my hat to her. Great time I was do it again. Enjoy the who evening... Thanks

  • en

    cathy wolters


    Nicely refurbished rooms! Stone bathroom counters, large dressers (plenty of drawers for a change) and large screen TVs. Beds were good, if a bit firm. We like this place because the smoke is much less bothersome than other casinos and the "park" center atrium with full skylight is lovely. Be aware that the "park view" rooms facing the atrium also get the noise and laser lights of the water shows at 2, 4. 6, 8 & 10 pm. We enjoy them, but some people can't sleep because of them. If that's you, take the parking lot view rooms on the outside.

  • en

    Vicky Miller


    Great place to go if you're looking for lower-level gambling. Like $5 blackjack or $3 blackjack tables. Dealers were friendly and Interactive. Food was delicious. We ate at several different venues. The prices were reasonable. People do smoke there but it wasn't very smokey or crowded. That could be because we were there on a Thursday afternoon and into the evening. We only played for about 5 hours. My friend was playing $0.25 slots and I was playing $5 blackjack. We are earned 2 buffets. We also try the ice cream parlor, snack bar for a burger, and the food court the taco I had was very tasty. We saved the buffets for another day but we didn't have time to get back there. So I gave them away to someone in housekeeping. They seem to really appreciate the gesture.

  • en

    Lewis Burdett


    I don't go there a lot since I live on the other side of town. But I went there to go to bowling and I was very impressed with the casino. It was very clean and impressive for having been around for as long as it has. It is nicer than some of the newer casinos off the strip. They had this area by the hotel registration that looks like a forest and even has a light show. I didn't see any of the shows, but just walking through the forest is impressive. The bowling alley was very nice, as well as the staff. Another thing that I liked was a strong security presence both inside and outside. Overall, it was a pleasant visit.

  • Whitney Hill

    Whitney Hill


    We love Sam’s town. It is definitely more low-key than the strip. This is definitely the preferred hotel for the older generation but if you prefer the quieter side of Vegas and less people this is the place for you! We love the garden area in the middle of the casino, and the light show. Great options for dining, entertainment and gambling!! Staff is always amazing too! All around one of the best casinos in Vegas.

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