Samantha Paitakis (Spirituality & Healing) w Blue Point

Stany ZjednoczoneSamantha Paitakis (Spirituality & Healing)



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206, Blue Point Avenue, 11715, Blue Point, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-647-0575
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7495773, Longitude: -73.0368623

komentarze 5

  • Susann Gude

    Susann Gude


    I have been at Samantha's gatherings for about 8 years. I have learned many things and have been enriched spiritually. I have experienced comfort and peace concerning my brother, niece & father who have passed. Samantha is truly one of the most loving and talented people I have ever met. I thank spirit every day for sending her to me.

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    Mary Ellen Kirchner


    Samantha is a very kind, compassionate and giving lady. Her readings are spot on and very insightful. I've learned things about myself that I had never realized before. With Samantha's compassion and guidance, I was able to resolve these issue and move forward with my life in a more positive and productive way.

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    Vivian Tuohey


    Samantha is a always spot on. She is a genuine compassionate person. Have always enjoyed all the different sessions I have had.

  • Linda Pelletier

    Linda Pelletier


    Samantha is a kind and compassionate human being. Her grounding and spot-on readings/suggestions are helpful and uplifting. I didn't know what to expect with the VAT bed but I was so glad I tried it. It was an amazing, soothing and relaxing highlight to the wonderful experience that is Samantha. I have spoken with her for years via phone and I finally was able to meet her in person and I am so grateful I made the trip. Thank you for your kindness and patience as always. Oh I forgot the was a great release and am practicing it right now! ❤️

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    Beni Tabron


    Samantha is a loving and giving person as well as a gifted intuitive. This was especially demonstrated to me when I asked her to officiate at my sister's funeral service. She took the time to meet with me and ask questions in order to learn more about my sister's life. As a result Samantha was able to bring a personal touch to the moving and beautiful tribute she wrote for the funeral service. It brought me great comfort to know that I had chosen the right person to honor my sister's memory and to help me during this difficult time. I will always be grateful to Samantha for her help and comfort.

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