Samantha Lawrence Salon & Boutique in New York

Vereinigte StaatenSamantha Lawrence Salon & Boutique


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6326, Amboy Road, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-948-5170
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.5231221, Longitude: -74.2159837

kommentare 5

  • Amanda Vasquez

    Amanda Vasquez


    Bad Experience. I did not feel welcomed at all. She rushed through my blow out, did it in 10minutes leaving the roots frizzy and not straight.So careless. When she first saw my hair she said it needed a lot of work and wanted to charge an extra $10 because it was curly. Once she started doing my hair she said I had nice hair and that she initially thought it was nappy so she wasn’t going to charge me the extra $10. So rude and so much attitude. Who says that to a customer? Never going back, not even with a damn Groupon!

  • Sophia H.

    Sophia H.


    Loved her at first Second time went for a touch up an a trim. One side was shorter than the other she didn't really touch up my hair ether it was still orange instead of red.

  • en

    Carolyn zuzworsky


    ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SALON!!!! worth the drive from my area! The owner is such an amazing woman!

  • en

    rose palestrini


    My go to salon Samantha is always so sweet and does an amazing job on my hair and makeup

  • Daniel Sclafani

    Daniel Sclafani


    Always does an awesome job on my hair! Samantha is super nice, and it's always a great experience talking with her!

nächste Schönheitssalon

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