Sam Ash Music Stores w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneSam Ash Music Stores



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E-50, Route 4, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-843-0119
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9192944, Longitude: -74.0676933

komentarze 5

  • en

    richard brown


    Dave is absolutely the epitome of a terrific sales associate Always extremely supportive and helpful Easily treats me as one of his most important customers Very skilled and knowledgeable with my instruments He is like a very dear friend I appreciate my relationship with Dave a tremendous amount Would never miss an opportunity to work with Sam Ash and Dave ###

  • Michael Saporito

    Michael Saporito


    I had two warranty repairs performed on an Epiphone Mastebilt acoustic. I brought the guitar to Sam Ash because they are a warranty service center. The staff was both courteous and efficient and my guitar is now in great shape. I would definitely recommend this store to any serious player.

  • Jessica Nelson

    Jessica Nelson


    They have much more of a variety of instruments than Guitar Center. We were able to find what we were looking for here. Their prices were average, but they also had some nice sales going. The staff was helpful and friendly.

  • Adem Poshka

    Adem Poshka


    Sam Ash Music Store is a very convenient and easy to shop in shop. You will go on there for your musical needs, and with the help of the kind staff get in and out of there within five minutes. Overall, if you are looking for a good place to quickly pick up something music related, or fix or buy a new instrument.

  • Caitlin De Siervo

    Caitlin De Siervo


    I am going to learn the violin. I walked into Sam Ash with no knowledge at all. The store associate, Andrew, was so very helpful and kind!! He answered all the questions I had and even personally showed me how to tune the violin which was confusing for me at first! His great customer service really made me excited to start on my new project!

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