Saltgrass Steak House w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneSaltgrass Steak House



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1803, Shepherd Drive, 77007, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-869-7074
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Latitude: 29.7765807, Longitude: -95.4098239

komentarze 5

  • en

    Aaron Womack


    Absolutely no curtousy given to vegans. We specifically ask to hold the steak and just give us the salad, and they drop bloody chunks of flesh all over our food after we gave them specific instructions. The place is super cramped and the waiters bang into you several times per minute.

  • en



    I love Salt Grass Steakhouse and eat at the chain frequently however I will not return to this location. Our server didn't have a good attitude from the moment we sat down and rarely visited the table. Our drinks did not arrive until after I had finished my salad and were only brought because I stopped another server to check on them. Then my boyfriends order came to the table incorrect because the server was not paying attention but before he could communicate the issue the server had already left the table and gone into the back. Our server never came to check on us to see how the food tasted/if we needed anything. I finally flag down a manager to let him know that we had not had a pleasant experience and he was useless. He didn't offer to comp anything or offer to fix our order for Togo. I would strongly urge anyone that wants to eat here to go to the other location just 3 miles down I-10.

  • Jessica Vo

    Jessica Vo


    We came here on a busy night, the server was struggling a bit and seemed new. We had an issue with our order, but it was handled graciously by the manager. Food was tasty, might give this place another try and hope for better service. All staff were very personable.

  • Tony B

    Tony B


    The service was beyond expectation. Restaurant was full but drinks and food was delivered quickly and hot. Bree(our waitress) was attentive without interrupting our dinner conversation. The prices are very reasonable.

  • en

    Enrique Hernandez


    Food was good, ordered my steak medium but was given rare. No big issue with that though. Ordered strawberry and Moscow Mules and both were excellent props to the bartender. Only issue was our server spilled water all over my wife. He promptly apologized and we understand accidents happen. Thought we were at least going to get our appetizer free of charge but nothing else was done for us other than my wife being drenched in water. Thankfully it wasn’t soda or alcohol, still altered our night as we had to go back home after dinner to change because of this. Will visit again just hope there isn’t anymore issues like this.

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