Salon Visage w Jericho

Stany ZjednoczoneSalon Visage



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2, Jericho Turnpike, 11753, Jericho, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-997-5069
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.776731, Longitude: -73.5681438

komentarze 5

  • en

    Darlene Hanover


    Never going back here ever! Girl Brianna looked pissed off she had to do my hair,kept rolling her eyes,sighing, and a horrible hair job

  • en

    Rosa Monet


  • en

    D F


    This salon is remodeled and updated. Such a wonderful staff, they are always on time and do amazing work.

  • en

    Priya Arcot


    This was my second experience here. My first experience was okay and loved bri who did my haircut. So, I decided to take my mother for color, cut, conditioning and blowout. So I scheduled appointment for both of us with bri. I made it clear on the phone what we wanted and how much she would charge us for it. When we got there she started to color my mothers hair and then put highlights in my hair. Later when it was about time to blowout my mothers hair she said it would be extra. I told her Debbie said it would not be. Debbie the owner came and she changed pricing on me. I told her I don't mind paying extra just do the blowout. She did a horrible job with the blowout. After that I was still able to see her gray hair in 1 area. She would not do anything about it and kept saying "it's 1 strand of hair". I was like not its not and pointed out multiple strands. She later fixed that area. When it was time to get my blowout she pulled the same thing about its being extra. I told her I don't mind just do it. She said we are closing and if u wanted to do all this you should have came sooner. I told her u knew exactly what we were getting done and I did ask for earlier and you said there were no openings and to come in at 4 and will get everything done. I asked her if the owner Debbie was willing to stay 15mins more to do my blowout but said she won't. They were so unprofessional talking bad about u the second u look away or in the color mixing room which had open drapes. My highlight job wAs so bad that no one noticed. My mom had a rash on the area where they did the touch up so not sure what they added extra in the touch up area. Rash spread to her ear and has lasted a week even after Benadryl. Never go here. They are unprofessional, suck at what they do, and charge extra when u go there while they quote a different prize on the phone. Go if u want to waste your money, time and look horrible after. In the end went home with wet hair and I ended up doing a better blowout myself.

  • carlyn burczyk

    carlyn burczyk


    Best salon I have ever been to! The staff is knowledgeable and friendly. I wouldn't trust anyone else with my hair because it comes out perfect every time. The shop is kept clean and tidy at all times and their prices are extremely reasonable. It really is the perfect salon!

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