Salon Rain /Salon SK i Massapequa

Forenede StaterSalon Rain /Salon SK



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21, Hicksville Road, 11758, Massapequa, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-799-0792
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Latitude: 40.6675324, Longitude: -73.4748871

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sahla Shabaz


    Love this place Kay did my updo and Bridget did my moms for my cousins wedding I recommend them.Very kind and sweet girls hated the previous owner

  • en

    Hena Mmokk Mokaria


    Service with smile, prices are very reasonable.good products my hilites came out really good tku Salin Rain for my hair love love love my hair

  • en

    Anika akina


    I am in love with this Salon, ever since they had change their staff. I always get my hair done from there. This salon does the best hair job.

  • Carolyn Candela

    Carolyn Candela


    I hope that this place is under new management, because otherwise I don't know how they've managed to stay in business. When I went here for a cut a few years ago, the staff were so rude. I think that this was the first and only time that I didn't give a tip to a hairdresser. The whole time, the stylist was telling me about how dead my hair, and about how poorly I took care of it. Just as a side note, I'll let you know that I take very good care of my hair, and get compliments on it regularly. As I was leaving, I recall seeing the stylists snickering among each other like middle school girls. But ultimately, it was their loss because they missed out on a tip and lost a customer. After this experience, I did not get another professional haircut for about 3 years because I was so scarred by this awful experience. Hairdressers and stylists are supposed to make their clients feel beautiful! I did not have this experience at Salon Rain. These stylists are children, not professionals.

  • en

    liana patti


    Service With a smile! The salon is under new management! Darlene the did a wonderful job on my hair. She even went out of her way to get the right color for me. I have been going to her for a while and I love my red hair!!

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