Salon POSH w Mamaroneck

Stany ZjednoczoneSalon POSH



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516, West Boston Post Road, 10543, Mamaroneck, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-899-3333
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.945099, Longitude: -73.737276

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brianna Shost


    Amazing and very talented staff! Can't thank you enough for making my bridesmaids look beautiful and for all your kindness to make my wedding day perfect!

  • en

    Diane Levine


    Walked in and was greeted by the sweetest young women! Samantha squeezed me in as I showed up at the wrong salon. 😳Turns out I loved the color and loved the atmosphere. Will def be returning!

  • en

    Diana Tapper


    We have used Salon Posh and Stacy for our last two big events. The Salon itself is very professional and Diane handled all of our crazy needs and scheduling requests. Stacy was a genius in translating my daughter's and my descriptions of the looks that we wanted into something that was even better than we envisioned. The last time we were there, she showed up early in the midst of a nor'easter, leaving extra time for her long commute to ensure the weather would not prevent her from getting to us so that our carefully constructed schedule would not be impacted. We were impressed by her level of responsibility and professionalism, as well as by her creativity. We would go back in a heartbeat. Thank you!

  • en

    Leanne Amicucci


    Diane and Kelly Marie came to my home the morning of our wedding to style everyone's hair for the day of! From the moment they arrived they were nothing but accommodating, extremely helpful, and responsive to everyone's needs!!! Everyone looked absolutely stunning and they made the morning seamless. They arrived promptly and worked through styling each of my 6 bridesmaids hair as well as my own without making anyone feel rushed. They spent ample time on each member of the bridal party and made everyone feel gorgeous! I would highly recommend Diane, Kelly, and the rest of their team at Salon Posh to help make your day special and unforgettable!!! Thank you both for helping us create priceless memories! You're the best!!! -Leanne

  • en

    Katrina Lynn-Milo


    I'm so happy with my cut!! I wanted a big change and I planned to cut off about 10 inches. It was my first time at Salon POSH and Samantha made me feel so at ease. She listened to what I was looking for and took the time to understand my hair type. I couldn't be happier!! I couldn't believe how reasonably priced the services were for this area!

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