Salon Olive en Mahwah

Estados UnidosSalon Olive



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180, Franklin Turnpike, 07430, Mahwah, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-529-2300
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.0958948, Longitude: -74.1460854

comentarios 5

  • Sarah Joan Bruno

    Sarah Joan Bruno


    This was my first and only time at Salon Olive. They came highly recommended by a friend who is a regular there, who gushes about them. Some background: I'm a pedicure connoisseur, I get them every two weeks, and I will spend a lot of money on them if the service is impressive enough. I always do gel polish and at minimum, will add callous remover, if not the full spa add on. I have a regular place of course but frequently try new places with friends. So the day before, I make the reservation: one regular pedicure (my buddy) and gel pedicure for me. Their website says all pedicures come with callous remover and paraffin for heels, which is cool, because in most places, this is additional. My buddy has always boasted that this place includes the bath, the feet squish, the essential oils, the scrub, etc. in just their regular pedicure. The price of the regular pedicure is 25 and the next highest price is their Spa for 45. When we begin the appointment, my pedicurist begins with my gel polish, which is odd, but I let her get halfway through the base coat before I ask if I will get callous treatment. She says she just does gel polish but I can add it. I'm not sure what to say because at this point, the pedicurist has not even filled the tub with water. I'm just getting a dry pedicure. I didn't even have a foot soak. I'm worried but I shake it off. I look over at my friend and he's getting a soak, a scrub, blue squishy stuff at the bottom of his tub, and peppermint oil. And he's just booked for regular pedicure! A woman, whom I assume is the owner or manager, asks me if I want to add callous remover. I tell her basically that I thought it was included-that my friend got the soak, etc. and he's getting a standard pedicure and I haven't gotten anything but polish. My pedicurist takes my friend for a manicure and the owner tells another girl to give me paraffin, massage, etc. I get a calf massage and my callouses scraped but the tub never gets filled. I go to check out and my bill is $50! I'm taken aback and ask the woman-the owner/manager-to repeat the price. I pay it but I'm flabbergasted. My friend checks out with his pedicure and manicure and it's $40! What is going on here? If I had gotten the same amazing pedicure it looked like my friend got plus gel, I would have gladly paid $50 (even if that is excessive, what am I paying,$15 for gel polish? That's silly but I've paid it before) but I got my polish then callous remover. I did not get even a fraction of the service my friend received for a $25 pedicure. I sucked it up and paid but they won't see my business again-which sucks for them. I'm a frequent spa goer and I always tip excessively well. I only tipped 20% for this service this time. How can you charge me 50 for a bare bones pedicure when your spa pedicure is 45 and I didn't get the basic service? Locals should hightail it to Pure Massage in Franklin Lakes. Review also posted to Yelp and FB.

  • en

    E P


    This is a great salon for manicures & pedicures. They do a great job, give great massages during the pedicures and are very kind & professional. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Michael Alyssa


    The woman who did my nails had warts and didn’t wear gloves. Not sanitary.

  • Veronica Grafstein

    Veronica Grafstein


    Expensive for a lacklustre job if they weren't so nice I would have given only 1 star

  • en

    Diana Rattazzi


    Nice people, not alot of English spoken but they do a nice job and are friendly.

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