Salon Los Divinos i Perth Amboy

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428, State Street, 08861, Perth Amboy, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 732-324-0060
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Latitude: 40.5132245, Longitude: -74.2653638

kommentar 5

  • en

    Salman Khan


    The best place to get a haircut done right the first time. I live in Woodbridge and I drive here for my haircut. They are able to speak both English and Spanish. Prices are better than anyone around the Woodbridge Twp, Edison and Perth Amboy areas. I walked in the first time and was introduced to Nerry. I explained how I wanted my hair and he cut my hair perfect the first time. After you get introduced to a Barber its best to call to make an appointment for the rest of your haircuts so you don't wait around. I will never have to shop around for another Barbershop.

  • en



  • en

    Joseph Polanco


  • es

    Danny Martinez



  • Jcarlos7x



    Luis Feliz very good barber

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