Salon de Colores hair cutting and color bar w Hillsdale

Stany ZjednoczoneSalon de Colores hair cutting and color bar



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309 Broadway Hair Salon, Hillsdale, NJ 07642, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-666-1616
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0097688, Longitude: -74.0422906

komentarze 5

  • en

    rebecca mccartney


    I had a to attend to today and he open the shop up for me. And did my hair. It was very quick and fast. And he took the time on his day off to help me out. Deff check it out

  • Kathy Contratto

    Kathy Contratto


    Michael Salerno delivered fantastic service today cutting my elderly dad’s hair. He was super responsive and professional. Not only did he provide a great haircut, he also did a fantastic shave (and much needed)! Kudos to Michael, his service is top notch and I highly recommend him! He traveled to my dad’s home and was on-time, courteous and overall great!

  • Adam Turcott

    Adam Turcott


    I have been coming to Michael for my haircuts since I was around 16, I'm 24 now and still don't trust anyone else with my hair. They always gave me advice on what would look good for my face shape when I would change hairstyles and always listened carefully to what I wanted. I have always been satisfied when leaving. Amazing place and people, you always feel welcome and comfortable from the moment you come in. It is a very friendly environment. And also it's a great price for the quality of the haircut. Highly recommend!!

  • en



    Michael Salerno, owner and stylist at Salon de Calores, has been the only stylist for the past 4 years that I trust to cut my hair. He is excellent at his craft and gives me a great cut and more importantly, the style I ask for every time. No waiting 2 weeks for it to look good ha! It's perfect every time I get up from his chair! And it holds its shape for a long time. His products are great as well. He is kind and funny too and his prices are reasonable. So glad I found him and highly recommend you choose him and the salon for all your hair needs. You won't be disappointed.

  • en

    Christopher Murphy


    This place is beyond amazing. Mike is an incredibly talented artist. I came in for the first time today with 2 pictures of what I wanted the haircut to look like, & he made it an exact, perfect, combination of the two !! It came out better than I was hoping it to! He is on point. Very focused on his craft, while being able to provide an outstanding conversation. He has a very warming, positive, & uplifting personality, as does the atmosphere of the place! The prices here are the best that I've ever seen in the area. The prices are also listed on the mirror for all the wide range of services they have! This place was everything I wanted it to be & so much more!! It only took me one visit to know that I'll definitely be going here from now on.

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